Mangosteen – Exotic – 200 g
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Mangosteen – Exotic – 200 g


Mangosteen is a dark purple fruit with white on the inside of the fruit from Southeast-Asia, Thailand being one of its largest producers in the world. Even though mangosteen sounds like a mango type, it is really very different mango. Now it is always available at Asian markets across North America.
#Tasty and Healthy
#Rich in Xanthones

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Mangosteen – Exotic

About the Product

Mangosteen is the fruit of an evergreen tree. The exact origin is unknown, but is likely from Asia. The fruit has a purple hard leathery rind and is the same size as a small apple. Inside there are typically five to seven seeds each with a sweet juicy cover of white flesh. The pulp, which is said to resemble a pineapple or peach in taste, is reputed to be a very delicious food

Main nutrients
Antioxidants, Calcium, Fiber, Iron and Phosphorus.

To consume mangosteen, the rind should be removed. This can easily be done by hand or with a knife.

The sweet white flesh of the mangosteen is eaten out-of-hand but also used to make jam, syrups, juices and ice cream. The rind and seeds are not edible.

When to eat
Mangosteen at its best is:spotted “tigerprint” shell and small. When the skin is still a bit green the fruit can be ripened at room temperature. The mangosteen is not fresh if the skin is rock hard

Did you know?
  • The Mangosteen is also called ‘Queen of Fruits’, because of the delicate sweet taste.
  • The rind is used for tanning leather in China. • An interesting fact about this fruit is that there is always a type of scar at one end. This is a remnant of the flower, and the number of remnant flower parts contained in the scar will tell you precisely how many segments of fruit are inside.
  • The mangosteen plant is considered “ultra-tropical” and sensitive: nursery seedlings die at 8 ºc.